Renewable Energy Resources

Uphill battle & the 80/20 Rule to Realize your Scope 3 Targets

While corporates focus on delivering on their scope 1 & 2 emission reduction targets, substantial scope 3 emission reduction remains a challenge. In this article, we address the complexities of internal alignment and data accuracy to supplier engagement and financial feasibility on the road to realizing Corporate Scope 3 Targets. We then crack the code with several effective and proven strategies.

Vietnam’s Carbon Market on The Path To Net-Zero

Developing countries will need up to US$6 trillion by 2030 to set themselves on the path to reaching their emission reduction goals. But there’s a major shortfall in the finance available for climate actions that lead to GHG emission reductions. Vietnam is navigating the topic by setting up a domestic carbon market, aiming to enhance environmental monitoring and sustainable development practices. What do companies operating in the country need to do to get ready for the roll-out?

CSRD & CBAM: The Impact of the Shifting Regulatory Landscape on Asian Suppliers

In the face of evolving EU regulations like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), European companies have been in the limelight as they adjust to the new landscape. But Asian suppliers are feeling the ripple effects, too. Find out why taking action on decarbonization is key to upholding competitiveness in the European market – and how to make it happen.

The Green Hydrogen Landscape is Taking Shape- How to Navigate It

For sectors with hard-to-abate emissions, green hydrogen and its derivatives have become the silver bullet for decarbonization efforts. In this piece, we’ll delve into the challenges of procuring green hydrogen and explore potential solutions to unlocking its full potential.

Time’s Ticking: Navigating the Critical Shift to Renewables

In our first instalment of a 4-part series, we explore the challenges many corporates face in transitioning to renewable energy across their full scope of emissions (scope 1, 2, and 3) — and the practical solutions that unlock their emission reduction potential. In this article, M.D. Rasmus Nedergaard weighs in on the pressing topic.

Renewable Gas Certificates in the EU – from biomethane to green hydrogen

While addressing scope 2 emission footprints has become more manageable for corporates thanks to readily available solutions, the challenge often lies in tackling scope 1 emissions. In this article, we explore why reducing scope 1 emissions poses a significant obstacle for corporates and present the biomethane solutions that offer a viable – and impactful – alternative.

What does RE100’s Facility Age Limit Requirement Mean for your Business?

From January 1st 2023,  the RE100 technical criteria now require corporate buyers’ to comply with a 15-year commissioning or re-powering deadline when procuring and claiming renewable electricity. In this article we look at what this significant change means for corporates sourcing renewable electricity and its impact on procurement across the globe.

The Role of Battery Storage in an evolving European PPA Market

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market continues to evolve, with emerging Eastern European markets like Poland, Czech Republic and Romania gaining prominence and offering corporates new renewable sourcing options in carbon-intensive electricity grids.

The purpose of EACs and their role in the renewable energy transition

As  companies around the world are voluntarily sourcing renewable energy, corporates and supply chains are turning to EACs to demonstrate progress on their RE consumption targets and GHG emission reduction targets. In this article, we focus on the purpose of EACs and discuss the role they play in the renewable energy transition.

Navigating the Thermal Transition to Achieve Deep Decarbonization

New national subsidy schemes, along with carbon taxation schemes, are emerging with the dual purpose of reducing the financial burden on corporates, and strengthening the incentives for them to transition towards renewable heating technologies. What are the challenges of thermal transition and how can corporates can navigate it?


Key Considerations for Phasing Out Coal from your Supply Chain

In this article we breakdown the challenges faced when phasing out coal from your operations and supply chain in Asia, highlighting what companies should be aware of. 

An Overview of CBAM: why, what, when and how?

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is an EU climate policy instrument coming into play from October 2023, will affect many large European corporates within industry and trade that import certain products from outside the EU.

Pexapark’s Renewable Industry Outlook Report 2023

act renewable contributes a commentary on the corporate perspective in Pexapark’s first-of-a-kind Renewables Industry Survey for the European Market.

White Paper Series: China


The China renewable energy market is evolving quickly, and corporates are challenged on multiple levels in navigating the transition within this country. With renewable energy representing a vital tool in realising the decarbonisation ambitions of multinationals, we aim to bridge the knowledge gap and unravel some of the China market complexities by providing practical advice for corporates undertaking the renewable energy transition in China.


Lead Authors

Myra Fong, Project Manager, Renewable Energy Transition
Chelsea Lok, PPA Consultant

Navigating the Renewable
Energy Market in China:


In Part 1 of our series, we take a ‘point-in-time’look at what renewable electricity transition mechanisms are currently available and active within the China renewable energy market.

China’s Renewable Portfolio Standard:


In Part 2 of our series, we focus on the ‘Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Target,’ a market mechanism that underpins China’s carbon reduction targets.

Green Energy Certificates in China:


What is the Renewable Energy Certificate system in China and how can it be leveraged by corporates transitioning to renewables? In part III of our series, we examine the current state of Green Energy Certificates (GECs) in China.

Future of Minimum Buyout Hours in China


In Part 4 of our series, we look at the impact of Minimum Buyout Hours on renewable energy utilization and procurement in China.

Understanding the New GEC Policy in China for Corporates:


In part V of our series, we look at the new GEC policy, introduced in August 2023, sharing the key points from the policy and our recommendations for Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) procurement in China following this update.

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